The Lynwood Fellowship

For Spiritual & Metaphysical Studies

Registered Charity 287430

Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.
The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations

We often need to take shelter, even on a very simple level such as there being a sudden and unexpected downpour. If this happens in the city we can dash into a shop or café and wait for it to pass. In the country there may be trees to provide shelter – as long as there is no lightning – or we may have come prepared with umbrella or waterproofs.

However, the shelter may also be needed for the exact opposite, to protect us from the scorching sun and oppressive heat. Then there are the effects of snow and frost, as well as the force of fierce winds.

At some point in life we will thankfully seek shelter, if only for a very temporary period, and late in life we may even need the care and support of sheltered accommodation.

Perhaps we can help to provide ‘shelter’ (in whatever form) to those we know around us, not necessarily in material matters, but spiritually as well.



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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stop, danger, alizarin, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, vermilion, carmine, madder, cerise, rose, dragon’s blood, ruby, garnet, cochineal, hot, angry, blush, ruddy, bloodshot, ginger, red herring, Communist, red card, red tape, red-light district, Red Cross, red carpet, redneck, in the red, red blooded, red ensign.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: shore, coast, beach, sands, shingle, strand, water’s edge, lido, pleasure ground.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sunshine, lemon, canary, gamboge, cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, buttercup, daffodil, honey, blonde, flaxen, gild, sallow, unhealthy, jaundice, yellow fever, sulphur, cowardly, yellow streak, yellow-belly, yellow peril, Yellow Pages, yellow lines, yellow flag.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: change, alteration, modification, metamorphosis, sea change, transfiguration, reorganisation, renewal, transmutation, conversion, revolution.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: flake white, titanium white, zinc white, Chinese white, bleach, pale, white as a sheet, albino, pure, moral, virginal, innocent, snow, chalk, marble, ivory, milky, Caucasian, fresh, spotless, White House, white stick, white hot, white feather, white elephant, white noise, white flag, white magic, white lie, White Paper, White Ensign, white goods, whitewash.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: H2O, Adam’s ale, river, sea, ocean, lake, steam, ice, rain, snow, wet, moisten, sprinkle, irrigate, saturate, hydrate, dilute, moderate, weaken, water down.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: hedgehog, sea-urchin, hunchback, elf or imp, mischievous child, waif, rascal, whippersnapper, ragamuffin, mudlark, nipper, little monkey.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: patience, acceptance, passive consent, broadmindedness, open-mindedness, liberality, sufferance, forbearance, calmness, understanding, endurance, forgiveness, variation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: House of God, holy place, church, mosque, synagogue, shrine, sanctuary, cathedral, place of worship, forehead, brow.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sustain, strengthen, endorse, validate, reinforce, maintain, assist, hearten, champion, brace, underpinning, look after.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: quiescence, motionlessness, passivity, placid, repose, silence, hush, peacefulness, calm, at rest, unstirring, inactive, stationary, serene, undisturbed, tranquility.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: signature, seal, mark, emblem, cipher, endorse, portent, miracle, omen, indication, warning, signal, foghorn, siren, gesture, wink, gesticulate, recruit, hire, enlist.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: relax, ease, take a break, holiday, interval, breathing space, halt, unwind, recharge one’s batteries, support, repose, sleep, snooze, depend, be positioned, remainder, residue, surplus.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: embedded or basal part, foundations, source, beginnings, nub, essence, ancestors, heritage, homeland, community, searches, pokes about, etymology, applaud, encourage, rootstock, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms.

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