The Lynwood Fellowship

For Spiritual & Metaphysical Studies

Registered Charity 287430

Thesaurus: substantial, real, solid, tangible, definite, physical, material, visible, firm, positive, genuine, bona fide, specific.
The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations

As part of our course at Art college, the sculpture department went on a trip to visit a research centre belonging to a well known cement company. I found it interesting in the flexibility and adaptability of where and how concrete could be used. That was about the time when the vogue for wood relief effect on concrete architecture was coming to an end.

However, the ingredients of concrete – cement, sand, water and an aggregate – could be varied depending on the purpose and finish desired. I remember being surprised that the strongest cement needed not a fine grain aggregate, but a mixed selection of stone and pebble sizes.

The strongest cultures – and economies – require a diversity of talents and outlook, as well as a variety in the size of individual groups. To build a united nation necessitates the inclusivity of all the people.

Spiritually, we need to seek that which joins us all together, rather than trying to be exclusive and laying down rigid rules and regulations.



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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stop, danger, alizarin, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, vermilion, carmine, madder, cerise, rose, dragon’s blood, ruby, garnet, cochineal, hot, angry, blush, ruddy, bloodshot, ginger, red herring, Communist, red card, red tape, red-light district, Red Cross, red carpet, redneck, in the red, red blooded, red ensign.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: shore, coast, beach, sands, shingle, strand, water’s edge, lido, pleasure ground.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sunshine, lemon, canary, gamboge, cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, buttercup, daffodil, honey, blonde, flaxen, gild, sallow, unhealthy, jaundice, yellow fever, sulphur, cowardly, yellow streak, yellow-belly, yellow peril, Yellow Pages, yellow lines, yellow flag.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: change, alteration, modification, metamorphosis, sea change, transfiguration, reorganisation, renewal, transmutation, conversion, revolution.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: flake white, titanium white, zinc white, Chinese white, bleach, pale, white as a sheet, albino, pure, moral, virginal, innocent, snow, chalk, marble, ivory, milky, Caucasian, fresh, spotless, White House, white stick, white hot, white feather, white elephant, white noise, white flag, white magic, white lie, White Paper, White Ensign, white goods, whitewash.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: H2O, Adam’s ale, river, sea, ocean, lake, steam, ice, rain, snow, wet, moisten, sprinkle, irrigate, saturate, hydrate, dilute, moderate, weaken, water down.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: hedgehog, sea-urchin, hunchback, elf or imp, mischievous child, waif, rascal, whippersnapper, ragamuffin, mudlark, nipper, little monkey.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: patience, acceptance, passive consent, broadmindedness, open-mindedness, liberality, sufferance, forbearance, calmness, understanding, endurance, forgiveness, variation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: House of God, holy place, church, mosque, synagogue, shrine, sanctuary, cathedral, place of worship, forehead, brow.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sustain, strengthen, endorse, validate, reinforce, maintain, assist, hearten, champion, brace, underpinning, look after.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: quiescence, motionlessness, passivity, placid, repose, silence, hush, peacefulness, calm, at rest, unstirring, inactive, stationary, serene, undisturbed, tranquility.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: signature, seal, mark, emblem, cipher, endorse, portent, miracle, omen, indication, warning, signal, foghorn, siren, gesture, wink, gesticulate, recruit, hire, enlist.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: relax, ease, take a break, holiday, interval, breathing space, halt, unwind, recharge one’s batteries, support, repose, sleep, snooze, depend, be positioned, remainder, residue, surplus.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: embedded or basal part, foundations, source, beginnings, nub, essence, ancestors, heritage, homeland, community, searches, pokes about, etymology, applaud, encourage, rootstock, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms.

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