The Lynwood Fellowship

For Spiritual & Metaphysical Studies

Registered Charity 287430

Thesaurus: foremost part, face, façade, exterior, foreground, foreword, prelude, front line, battleground, leading position, priority, vanguard, pioneer, avant-garde, demeanor, public face, cover, disguise, smokescreen, part facing the sea, weather front.
The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations

On a beautiful and sunny early March afternoon I had been walking through a forested area, when I stopped to look at the surrounding landscape through a gap in the trees. I saw this huge blanket of cloud gradually approaching, cutting the sky in two diagonally, and having my camera with me took the photograph shown above.

I’m not sure about particular weather patterns, whether it was a cold front retreating from a warm one or not, but certainly one type of weather was being replaced by another in a dramatic fashion, and the front line of the new cloud system was incredibly straight.

As the sunshine gradually receded a memory of my schooldays came back to me. Quite frequently I would be in a classroom where looking out the left window I would see rain while there was none to be seen out of the window on the right. Had I been sitting on the front line?



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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stop, danger, alizarin, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, vermilion, carmine, madder, cerise, rose, dragon’s blood, ruby, garnet, cochineal, hot, angry, blush, ruddy, bloodshot, ginger, red herring, Communist, red card, red tape, red-light district, Red Cross, red carpet, redneck, in the red, red blooded, red ensign.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: shore, coast, beach, sands, shingle, strand, water’s edge, lido, pleasure ground.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sunshine, lemon, canary, gamboge, cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, buttercup, daffodil, honey, blonde, flaxen, gild, sallow, unhealthy, jaundice, yellow fever, sulphur, cowardly, yellow streak, yellow-belly, yellow peril, Yellow Pages, yellow lines, yellow flag.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: change, alteration, modification, metamorphosis, sea change, transfiguration, reorganisation, renewal, transmutation, conversion, revolution.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: flake white, titanium white, zinc white, Chinese white, bleach, pale, white as a sheet, albino, pure, moral, virginal, innocent, snow, chalk, marble, ivory, milky, Caucasian, fresh, spotless, White House, white stick, white hot, white feather, white elephant, white noise, white flag, white magic, white lie, White Paper, White Ensign, white goods, whitewash.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: H2O, Adam’s ale, river, sea, ocean, lake, steam, ice, rain, snow, wet, moisten, sprinkle, irrigate, saturate, hydrate, dilute, moderate, weaken, water down.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: hedgehog, sea-urchin, hunchback, elf or imp, mischievous child, waif, rascal, whippersnapper, ragamuffin, mudlark, nipper, little monkey.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: patience, acceptance, passive consent, broadmindedness, open-mindedness, liberality, sufferance, forbearance, calmness, understanding, endurance, forgiveness, variation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: House of God, holy place, church, mosque, synagogue, shrine, sanctuary, cathedral, place of worship, forehead, brow.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sustain, strengthen, endorse, validate, reinforce, maintain, assist, hearten, champion, brace, underpinning, look after.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: quiescence, motionlessness, passivity, placid, repose, silence, hush, peacefulness, calm, at rest, unstirring, inactive, stationary, serene, undisturbed, tranquility.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: signature, seal, mark, emblem, cipher, endorse, portent, miracle, omen, indication, warning, signal, foghorn, siren, gesture, wink, gesticulate, recruit, hire, enlist.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: relax, ease, take a break, holiday, interval, breathing space, halt, unwind, recharge one’s batteries, support, repose, sleep, snooze, depend, be positioned, remainder, residue, surplus.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: embedded or basal part, foundations, source, beginnings, nub, essence, ancestors, heritage, homeland, community, searches, pokes about, etymology, applaud, encourage, rootstock, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms.

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