The Lynwood Fellowship

For Spiritual & Metaphysical Studies

Registered Charity 287430

Thesaurus: bright, happy, bullion, gold bar, coin, solid gold, gold reserve, winner, first, gold medal, gold star, golden boy/girl, crock of gold, golden oldie, gold standard, golden wedding, golden mean, gold digger, golden age, Golden Fleece, golden touch, golden handshake, golden calf, golden hello, good as gold.
The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations

Gold has a very positive association throughout the centuries with wealth, radiance, majesty, the sun and the divine in nearly all cultures. The example above is a statue of ‘Green Tara’ in the garden of Samye Ling Tibetan Centre, Eskdalemuir, in the south of Scotland.

Like the power of the sun, gold has inherent energy and vitality, making it an excellent all-purpose colour for every kind of healing. It is connected with divine power, immortality, the masculine principle, enlightenment, fire, glory, fortitude, strength and resilience.

The Ancient Egyptians linked it with the sun god Ra; the Hindus with truth, light, life and immortality; in Astrology it is associated with the sun and to the zodiac sign of Leo.



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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stop, danger, alizarin, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, vermilion, carmine, madder, cerise, rose, dragon’s blood, ruby, garnet, cochineal, hot, angry, blush, ruddy, bloodshot, ginger, red herring, Communist, red card, red tape, red-light district, Red Cross, red carpet, redneck, in the red, red blooded, red ensign.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: shore, coast, beach, sands, shingle, strand, water’s edge, lido, pleasure ground.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sunshine, lemon, canary, gamboge, cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, buttercup, daffodil, honey, blonde, flaxen, gild, sallow, unhealthy, jaundice, yellow fever, sulphur, cowardly, yellow streak, yellow-belly, yellow peril, Yellow Pages, yellow lines, yellow flag.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: change, alteration, modification, metamorphosis, sea change, transfiguration, reorganisation, renewal, transmutation, conversion, revolution.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: flake white, titanium white, zinc white, Chinese white, bleach, pale, white as a sheet, albino, pure, moral, virginal, innocent, snow, chalk, marble, ivory, milky, Caucasian, fresh, spotless, White House, white stick, white hot, white feather, white elephant, white noise, white flag, white magic, white lie, White Paper, White Ensign, white goods, whitewash.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: H2O, Adam’s ale, river, sea, ocean, lake, steam, ice, rain, snow, wet, moisten, sprinkle, irrigate, saturate, hydrate, dilute, moderate, weaken, water down.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: hedgehog, sea-urchin, hunchback, elf or imp, mischievous child, waif, rascal, whippersnapper, ragamuffin, mudlark, nipper, little monkey.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: patience, acceptance, passive consent, broadmindedness, open-mindedness, liberality, sufferance, forbearance, calmness, understanding, endurance, forgiveness, variation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: House of God, holy place, church, mosque, synagogue, shrine, sanctuary, cathedral, place of worship, forehead, brow.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sustain, strengthen, endorse, validate, reinforce, maintain, assist, hearten, champion, brace, underpinning, look after.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: quiescence, motionlessness, passivity, placid, repose, silence, hush, peacefulness, calm, at rest, unstirring, inactive, stationary, serene, undisturbed, tranquility.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: signature, seal, mark, emblem, cipher, endorse, portent, miracle, omen, indication, warning, signal, foghorn, siren, gesture, wink, gesticulate, recruit, hire, enlist.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: relax, ease, take a break, holiday, interval, breathing space, halt, unwind, recharge one’s batteries, support, repose, sleep, snooze, depend, be positioned, remainder, residue, surplus.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: embedded or basal part, foundations, source, beginnings, nub, essence, ancestors, heritage, homeland, community, searches, pokes about, etymology, applaud, encourage, rootstock, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms.

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